
Build Your Dreams: Creative Digital Designs By Fourth Eye Digital Arts

Matthew Warner 

Fourth Eye Digital Arts 

Welcome to Fourth Eye Digital Arts 

Welcome to Fourth Eye Digital Arts.com

Fourth Eye Digital Arts is a full-service digital artwork, graphic design, business branding, film editing and consultation company. I provide one-on-one support and I have a strong passion for what I have worked hard to accomplish. Working directly with you is part of achieving your goal and I will be here for the entire process.

Learning About You 

The most important part of gaining the most perspective for how we are going to complete our project, is learning more about what you have to offer. This it will be based on an understanding of all of the elements attached to your company, brand or idea. Depending on how you would like to go about the marketing process, these elements may change or grow over time.


Experience means having time that other people may have not have had to learn, and development skills. Experience means learning from your mistakes and finding out ways to innovate and make your work that much better.

Finding ways to Exceed your Expectations 

Giving back to others is part of running any company. The more I contribute, the more I can learn and find ways to help you succeed. My experience has not only stemmed from my educational background, but from working with other business owners, artists and entrepreneurs. 

Mock Flyer
Mock Flyer


Organizing your information is extremely important. This means managing all of the components associated with your design scheme, the backgrounds logo and anything else that we build together. Managing your data is important for organizing your information, and creating new ideas.


Style is what sets your idea away from others. You can use similar formats that have been popular in the past, and integrate new ideas, or you can create an entire new style on your own. Of course, I'll be here to help. There are many different ways you can use stylization to accent your business brand, or other media files. Create your own theme, one that makes your brand recognizable to your audience. 

"Atrium" Branding Package 

Stay Up-to-Date

Stay up to date with current trends, and remember to alter your logo and branding package accordingly. If you have new products to add, services, or have anything else you need to develop,  then staying up to date is important for keeping your customers informed. This includes regular social media posts, or posts to your website or other online platform.

Get started today, contact me by clicking the button below.